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The Coffee Honor of The Year


Product Information

The French Roast Coffee is our darkest roast that uses a special blend that accentuates the intensity of darker roasted coffees. Deep and smoky, this blend brews a pungent cup with pronounced smoky overtones creating a complex, rich, and superbly aromatic cup.

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Volcanica Coffee

Volcanica Coffee is a specialty coffee roaster focused on exotic coffees. We are committed to offering only the finest quality ingredients from volcanic regions around the world.

The mineral-rich soil from these areas produces coffee that is wonderfully aromatic and remarkable in taste. We carry over 100 different coffees, including single-origin, estate, peaberry, and decaffeinated and flavored coffees.

Our inspiration came from frequent trips to our homeland of Costa Rica, where we constantly enjoyed coffee with tremendous flavor. At the same time, we knew most people in the U.S. were satisfied with tasteless, bitter coffee and were unaware that coffee could be an exotic experience.

This is why we started Volcanica Coffee, to focus on high-quality single origin coffees and help educate consumers about what coffee can truly be.


Support the value of your private coffee brand

Our work doesn’t end after the coffee has won awards as we will continue to provide support by helping you improve the results, and maximize the usage of the private label’s coffee. We will assist in the launch of your product, learn how consumers respond to your new coffee, and provide suggestions to help you further develop coffee products.

Excellence, Guarantee, Value - WLCP


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